March 5-community

March 5-community

James Luther Adams, a Unitarian parish minister and powerful theologian, wrote an essay on the five smooth stones of liberal religion. The essay was called, “Guiding Principles for a Free Faith,” and you can find a pdf if you wish to read it. While these five principles are often simplified to hope, love, justice, courage and joy, I think that the third principle is two-sided. Here is a quote from his essay:

Religious liberalism affirms the moral obligation to direct one’s effort toward the establishment of a just and loving community. It is this which makes the role of the prophet central and indispensable in liberalism.

Guiding Principles for a Free Faith-James Luther Adams

I think our job as Unitarian Universalists is not just to create justice, it is to create a community through which justice can be found. In my life, cons/rallies are one of these important communities which offer a space to create justice. During youth events, we require community service. Through this, I have written to my senators, worked for food banks, made protest signs, and so much more! I made baked goods for a bake sale-from which the proceeds went to help an immigration justice organization.

I remember a few years ago, I was at General Assembly and the Westboro Baptist Church was protesting against us. We marched out and sang songs of love and peace. We countered hate with love, as a community.

Community and Justice are intertwined. It is hard to create justice unless there is support for it, which most often stems from communities. These are integral values to our faith. It is our duty to create positive change in this world, but we need to support each other in this never ending process.

Best of wishes,

Artie Evans