March Fo(u)rth, 2021

The graphic is book pages framed around the edges with botanical drawings of flowers. Over the book pages, there is an open journal with a cursive font says “March Fo(u)rth” and a serif font says “a day to move forward” below it. In the bottom right corner of the journal, a serif font says “Rebecca Throop” and “”

Today is March fourth. My Grandmother, Sara Throop, loved to play with words and realized the possible double meaning of this date. It could be just a day in March, or it could be a day where we “march forth” in our life-doing something we have been procrastinating this year and commit to moving forward. My aunt Trish has continued this tradition every year since her passing ten years ago.

So why am I writing this post? This is both for you and me. I can always do with a reminder to commit to something, and you probably can to. Have you fallen behind on school work that just seems like too large of a mountain to make a dent in? I encourage you to make a to-do list for at least one class with all the assignments you need to do. You don’t need to finish all of them today, but you can make it easier on tommorow you to keep at it until that mountain is a hill, then a mound, then a slope.

Personally, I will be working on this blog. I am not too happy with the aesthetics and I need to do some reorganization. But, before I can do that, I want to have content to put on the new shiny set up. Today, I will be outlining five articles to publish once the blog is ready to sparkle. Graphic design can seem so new and shiny and just begs to be done, but writing requires honing, deep thought, and returning before I press that publish button. I do have some ideas on what to write over, so this is definitely an achievable goal, even with school. I will come back and update this post at the end of the day to include what I accomplished.

So how about y’all? What’s that thing that has been sitting on the back burner of your mind? Please let me know in the comments what you hope to march forth on this year; I would love to hear!

Marching Forth,
Rebecca Throop