Staying Spiritual

Staying Spiritual

The last few months have been A LOT. With everything going on in our world, it can be hard to remember to make time for spiritual stuff. To hopefully remove some effort from brainstorming, I have created a list of things you can do to stay spiritual in this time

  • Check out a digital worship. The Church of the Larger Fellowship has a worship every Sunday at 8 p.m. ET on zoom. My church, any many others, record their worships and keep them on their website, at least for a few weeks. If you’re really missing circle worship, Sanctuary Boston, a young adult church, meets every first and third Wednesday at 6:30 eastern.
  • Attend a youth group. This doesn’t have to be at your home church. My church’s youth group has not been fulfilling, so instead I attend at my friends church! This could also be a group of friends planning their own worships and discussions.
  • Meditate. With all the stress of life, now in particular, we could all stand to take a few moments of silence to clear our heads and refocus our lens on the world.
  • Pick up a new or old hobby again. I have taken up knitting again and I’m having lots of fun growing plants from ones we already have. I also started using coloring pages again!

When we get busy, spirituality is often one of the first things that get sacrificed. For me, my spiritual practices are what gives me the energy to do the other things I need to do. This is your reminder to make time for yourself!

Best of Wishes,

Artie Evans