March 2-creativity

March 2-creativity

For Christmas, my best friend gave me one of those wish bracelets. One of the ones that, when they break off, your wish comes true. Normally, I wouldn’t tell anyone, much less the internet, my wish, but it fell off a few weeks ago, so I consider it achieved. I wished to always have child-like creativity. Children seem to have limitless reserves of creativity. When I was a small child, I drew what my sister liked to refer to as m&m people EVERYWHERE. Apparently, drawing people as only a circle and limbs is a regular developmental stage, but because I did it so often, she characterized them with me. I distinctly remember drawing on anything I could. When cleaning my room, I found multiple bags full of art and writing from my younger years. I wish I could produce even a similar quantity of art products. Somewhere between then and now, I learned to refine the same piece 20 times rather than making 20 pieces. But by refining, I seem to have lost the purpose of the art. I keep 2 separate journals-one for me personally and one that can be refined into blog posts and poetry and worship readings. I have separated between creativity for the world and creativity for myself, because I felt myself needing to refine my journal entries. A small child would not question which notebook their thoughts would go in, they would simply get them out-whether on a napkin, in a notebook, or on their bedroom wall. My greatest wish would be to have that same creativity I once had.

Best of whishes

Artie Evans